These published articles are examples of our research and writing.
The California Housing Crisis: With the demand for housing in California reaching a feverish pitch, the question becomes the best way to address the problem. This paper focuses on those very government decisions which have contributed to the housing shortage and have kept California in a perpetual state of housing crisis for the last 50 years. Read more . . .
ADA Lawsuits and their Small Business Impacts (Part 1 in our Investigative Series): The need for ADA compliance is obvious to all, but what should that compliance look like and how can it be achieved are still issues being determined by the Power Brokers in Sacramento. This 5-part series highlights the history of ADA compliance while also projecting potential solutions that would benefit all stakeholders. Read more . . .
ADA Lawsuits and their Small Business Impacts (Part 2 in our Investigative Series): The need for ADA compliance is obvious to all, but what should that compliance look like and how can it be achieved are still issues being determined by the Power Brokers in Sacramento. Part 2 of our 5-part series highlights the financial windfall from ADA lawsuits and why plaintiff attorneys focus their efforts on small businesses. Read more . . .
ADA Lawsuits and their Small Business Impacts (Part 3 in our Investigative Series): The need for ADA compliance is obvious to all, but what should that compliance look like and how can it be achieved are still issues being determined by the Power Brokers in Sacramento. Part 3 of our 5-part series highlights appropriate strategies to prevent an ADA “drive-by” litigant from filing a lawsuit and destroying your business. Read more . . .
Financing and Loan Options for Energy-Efficient Upgrades: The biggest issue for those considering energy-efficient upgrades is usually the upfront costs. This article highlights some of the options available for home owners and developers that would like to increase their energy efficiency without also taking out a traditional second mortgage or high-interest loan. Read more . . .